Positive PeopleTom's Blog

News Roundup 14-Oct-2016

By October 14, 2016 No Comments

In the week when the nation was shook by MarmiteGate, a gorilla escaped at London Zoo and Samsung killed it’s flammable phone…

Hospitals and GPs failing to test for HIV

Experts suggest patients in areas with high rates of HIV ought to be offered a test when they register with a GP or are admitted to hospital.  But research carried out for BBC Radio 4’s You and Yours programme suggests many NHS providers are not doing this. More at BBC News

London HIV scientist dies in accident at work inquest hears

Damian Bowen, 32, was working late at night freezing blood samples with liquid nitrogen, unfortunately the ventilation system had been turned off. The liquid nitrogen in the air made in unbreathable, and led to his death. More at The Telegraph

Empowering girls advances HIV response says UNAIDS

Discrimination and disadvantage have held back the potential of girls and women for centuries. This generation of girls—an estimated 1.1 billion globally in 2016, the largest in history—has the power to change the world, but only if they can advance their knowledge, agency and freedom to make their own life-defining choices and reach their full potential.

“Girls count! We need to know what counts for girls, to make sure that they start life HIV-free, stay HIV-free or remain AIDS-free,” said UNAIDS Executive Director, Michel Sidibé. More at UNAIDS





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