
New Website

By February 25, 2011 January 28th, 2015 No Comments

Welcome to our new website – designed to describe Saving Lives, explain why its message is so important, and to help you get involved. We want to keep you up to date with all the work we’re doing to increase HIV testing in the UK and beyond, and introduce to you our many ambassadors, advisers and patrons: from eminent clinicians such as Professor Brian Gazzard to England’s number two goalkeeper, Ben Foster.

Saving Lives is about increasing HIV awareness in order to imrpove take-up of HIV testing and reduce new infections. This website will be key to achieving our aim: it’s an important platform from which we can not just deliver our key messages, but also engage and involve the public in achieving our aims.

Without that engagement – without your attention – this site, and Saving Lives as a whole, won’t succeed. So thanks for being here, and please return often!

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