
World AIDS Day 2014

By December 1, 2014 January 30th, 2015 No Comments
18 Sports Stars Supporting National HIV Test National

[Click for High-Res Version]

It’s December 1st, and that means it’s World AIDS Day. This is such a hugely important day for all of involved in the HIV community. It’s an opportunity to remember and also to look forward.

This year, we’ve spent the run-up to World AIDS Day promoting our Selfies Saving Lives campaign, and the response has been huge. It’s all about sending a message: HIV testing saves lives. Today of all days, that’s such an important thing to say – so, please, keep your selfies coming, just like our ambassadors have.

World AIDS Day is a chance for us to pay tribute to those we have lost along the way, and also an opportunity to renew ourselves in the fight against the virus. What better way to mark the day than to #GetTested?

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