Valerie Delpech on HIV Surveillance

By October 19, 2011 January 28th, 2015 No Comments

Valerie Delpech is the Health Protection Agency’s Head of HIV Statistics, and also one of our advisers. Our advisers provide key know-how and input which informs our campaigns and messages, as well as offering important advocacy in crucial corners of the HIV world. We’re enormously grateful to Valerie and all our advisers for offering their time and expertise in this manner.

Monitoring the spread of HIV is fundamental to understanding how successful we have been and are being at diagnosing and treating HIV. It’s also a core part of how we can improve our responses in the future. To this end, Valerie recently wrote a great introduction to HIV surveillance in the UK for the Nursing Times. She’s kindly given us her permission to reproduce it here. In the piece, she writes:

The HIV pandemic continues to grow and evolve. In the UK, The epidemiology and care of person living with HIV has dramatically changed since the introduction of highly effective antiretroviral therapies in the late 1990s. This article gives a brief overview of methods used in HIV surveillance in the UK and provides a detailed picture of the HIV epidemic and major trends over the last decade.

You can read the whole article in PDF format here.

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