
Social Media as a Health Promotion tool

By April 18, 2018 April 19th, 2018 No Comments

Social media is a potentially useful tool in raising awareness about important health issues. Campaigns such as HIV Testing Week ((HTW) 18-24 Nov 2017) generate thousands of tweets by organisations and individuals, with onward sharing potentially reaching many times more people. 

Please click to see the full size poster

We set out to describe the overall tweeting activity before and during HTW, we then studied in detail the social media activity of the Saving Lives charity.

The charity engaged professional footballers and charity ambassadors with large social media followings to amplify health promotion messages, as well as signpost people to free postal HIV testing websites.

Social Media data was analysed by Graham Mackenzie at NHS Lothian using the Node XL analysis and visualisation software.

Our findings are being presented in poster form at the joint BHIVA BASHH conference in Edinburgh from 17 – 20 April 2018. Look for poster number 264.

Follow Saving Lives on Twitter over at: @SavingLivesUK and @TakeATestUK




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