James B's BlogNewsPositive People

My Story: An Update

By September 22, 2014 January 28th, 2015 No Comments

jamesbthI just thought I would write a quick blog post to update you and my story on here.

Well where do I start ?? My viral load is now at 46 and my cd4 count is 646 – it has been amazing to watch how my viral load has been dropping and my CD4 count rising since the start of my journey! I have never felt better!! I still have to get my viral load to undetectable but my doctor at the clinic explained that with the drug combination I am on this can take a little bit longer than with some of the other combinations that are available. But hopefully with my next blood test it will be a undetectable viral load.

The only thing I was not prepared for was some people’s lack of knowledge about HIV. While a majority of my friends have been really supportive and been there for me I’ve had a few (so-called) friends who when they found out just walked away from me and wanted nothing to do with me, thinking that they could catch HIV off me if I just breathed on them or if they used the same cutlery or glass as me. To be honest I just laughed when I found out how they thought HIV was transmitted … but on the inside it hurt .

I hope this update has been helpful – and I’ll continue to promote Saving Lives, so look out for more!

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