Alex's BlogNewsPositive People


By January 17, 2011 January 28th, 2015 No Comments

Last November I made the decision that after living with HIV for three years I was no longer happy to keep my diagnosis between myself and close family and friends. I struggled with the idea that a positive status should be kept secret, as though it was something to be ashamed of. Speaking out breaks this idea and allows me to fight against stigma proudly and openly.

I received a great deal of support when I broke the news and began to openly discuss HIV on Twitter which caught the attention of the Saving Lives. I was asked to write My Story for the Positive People section of their website and was thrilled this week to be asked to contribute to a blog about my life with HIV, hopefully by reading more about my personal experiences I will support Saving Lives mission to encourage people to get tested and reduce prejudice towards people living with HIV.

I’m 27 and have been living in Manchester for six years. At the time of my diagnosis I thought I would never be able to have a fulfilling adult relationship again but just three months later I met my amazing boyfriend Richard and I couldn’t have asked to meet a better guy, he’s negative and that brings it’s challenges but more than anything we’re just an average gay couple and very happy. My diagnosis hasn’t altered my ability to work and my colleagues were all amazing when I told them I was HIV positive.

I just wanted to introduce myself for now and I’ll be writing again very soon about my life with the virus, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me and if you’re a Twitter fan feel free to follow me @birdy_tweet!

Thanks for reading

Alex xx

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