Football clubs continue to support Saving Lives, and most especially our National HIV Testing Week 2013 campaign: posters and booklets featuring players across the country. Our ambassadors are promoting the importance of HIV testing, and fighting stigma at the same time.
At Fulham, Darren Bent and Damien Duff are supporting the campaign, as a news story on the club site reveals:
Darren Bent and Damien Duff are supporting a nationwide campaign to encourage more people to get tested for HIV during National HIV Testing Week. The players are featuring on posters, and in videos and a brand new educational booklet for the national HIV awareness charity, Saving Lives.
“The HIV test is just a simple blood test,” says Darren. “You can ask for it at your GP’s, at hospital or in any sexual health clinic. It doesn’t hurt, and whatever the result you’ll know what to do next – get on medicine or have safer sex in future.”
Damien thinks education is key: “Before I got involved with the Saving Lives charity, I had no idea a person could be infected for over 10 years without knowing it! That’s staggering. Just think of all the other people they could have passed the infection onto in that time.”
The full story can be read here.