NewsPositive People

Featured Advocate: James

By February 21, 2013 January 28th, 2015 No Comments

James is currently our featured advocate in our Positive People section. His story includes the classic symptoms of a ‘seroconversion illness’, the sickness people often experience shortly after being infected with HIV, but can mistake for the ‘flu. Missing the seroconversion illness, and not getting the test early as James did, can result in not accessing today’s life-saving treatment at the right time. So it’s well worth having a read …

I awoke early on Saturday the 26th May to be greeted with a burnt body from head to toe caused by my trip to Thorpe Park the day before. Clearly factor 10 wasn’t strong enough… My body felt tired, yet I was wide awake. The pain in my muscles was an unfamiliar one, but I disregarded it and lumped it with ‘gym related soreness’.

Read James’s full story here.

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