
Birmingham Pride 2014

By May 23, 2014 January 28th, 2015 No Comments


We’ll be out and about this weekend at Birmingham Pride. Look out for Saving Lives t-shirt, but also for volunteers from our partners at Sexual Health BirminghamHeartlands HIV ServiceHealthy Gay LifeBe Sure and more!

Record-breaking crowds are expected at this year’s event, and we’ll be helping promote sexual health, HIV testing, hepatitis testing and more. It’s all about raising awareness, as always – and hopefully having some fun, too.

Keep in touch with us across the weekend via Twitter – just follow and tweets us at @SavingLivesUK to find out where we are and keep up to date with everything we’re up to. And come on down to Healthy Gay Life’s 146 Bromsgrove Street address to take a free and confidential test for HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, hepatitis-B and C. It’s simple, quick and safe.

See you in Brum!

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