
West Bromwich Albion Supports Saving Lives

By November 29, 2013 January 28th, 2015 No Comments

WBA_stickernailThere’s a superb story on the West Bromwich Albion website, which covers its players’ support of Saving Lives – as well as a visit from the Walsall Centre For Sexual Health, to whose clinics we’re providing posters this National HIV Testing Week:

IT’S National HIV Testing Week – and Albion are helping to spread a message that could literally save lives.
Baggies trio Chris Brunt, Ben Foster and Youssouf Mulumbu have joined forces with a nationwide campaign and local NHS Trust to raise HIV awareness and encourage people to get tested.
The players are featuring in posters, videos and a brand new educational booklet for the national HIV awareness charity, Saving Lives.
Read the whole thing here – including images of the lads in Saving Lives t-shirts!

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