
Ten Things You Need To Know About HIV on World AIDS Day 2023

By November 30, 2023 December 4th, 2023 No Comments

It’s 2023. The ways in which HIV affects those who live with the virus has changed – and we all need to catch up. At Saving Lives, we’re committed to updating the UK’s software when it comes to understanding HIV.

On this World AIDS Day, we’ll be all over Birmingham raising awareness of what HIV means today.

  1. Anyone can get HIV.
  2. You can have HIV and not know it.
  3. HIV is treatable, not curable.
  4. People living with HIV on treatment cannot transmit HIV to others.
  5. Late diagnosis remains a problem.
  6. Testing is easy and accessible.
  7. There are many ways to protect yourself from HIV.
  8. People with HIV can live full and healthy lives.
  9. There is no shame in having HIV.
  10. We can end AIDS by 2030.

You can download our full leaflet by clicking here. It’s free to use and reproduce – spread the word!

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