Sexual Health in Birmingham

By July 9, 2014 January 28th, 2015 No Comments

SHB LOGO INSIDE THE RINGSSaving Lives has teamed up with Brook, Terrence Higgins Trust, and the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust in a bid to provide sexual health services across Birmingham.

The unique bid, which sees NHS doctors team up with charities to offer comprehensive sexual health provision to all of Birmingham and Solihull, has been made to Birmingham City Council as part of the tendering process for the city’s healthcare needs. The bid includes clinic provision, an alliance with pharmacies across the region, digital initiatives and much more – it’s an exciting model for a high quality twenty-first century sexual health service.

Saving Lives began life in Birmingham, and we’re proud to bring our celebrity endorsements, engaging messaging and branding, and experience in delivering grassroots campaigns to this bid.

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