The results of a study by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the US has found that early drug treatment can prevent onward transmission. Its data was so conclusive that the trial – slated to continue into 2015 – has been halted earlier than planned. There was a ninety-six per cent reduction in transmission where early antiretroviral treatment was applied, rather than waiting to commence drug therapy until a patient’s immune system weakened. This study can only stregthen our commitment to early diagnosis and early treatment. A link round-up:
Guardian (Sarah Boseley’s blog post is also worth reading)
Dr Stephen Taylor, Medical Director of Saving Lives, said: “The huge importance of this study cannot be underestimated. It is the first prospective randomised study to evaluate the beneficial effects of early ART on preventing sexual transmission of hiv to their negative partners. Of course early treatment is only possible if a person is aware of their diagnosis. Diagnosis thus remains crucial to ensuring that Treatment for Prevention reaches those people it can help as quickly as possible.”