Bespoke HIV Testing Leaflets

By July 26, 2011 January 28th, 2015 No Comments

NHS Saving Lives has launched a free personalisation service, offering HIV testing information leaflets to NHS Trusts and organisations across the country at no charge.

The guide highlights indicator conditions which help show when an HIV test should be recommended. Clinics have found it very popular with physicians in non-HIV specialties, as well as GPs, medical students, nurses and others.

The template document can be downloaded by clicking here. Interested parties can send Saving Lives their details – a hospital name, an advice hotline, a website and a referral hotline – to match the four points featured in the leaflet. The Saving Lives graphics team will then personalise the leaflet and return it for reproduction along with 100 printed copies for distribution.

In the curreny financial climate many organisations and departments don’t have ready access to graphics/ reproduction services: Saving Lives hope this will help.

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