Rachel, 47 yrs old

8 years HIV+

St. Albans

During 2004 I felt unwell with unpleasant symptoms, several ulcers appeared on my body and I was referred to the GU clinic and diagnosed HIV positive.

Terror, shock, self-pity and despair overwhelmed me, theses changed to feelings of anger and determination to conquer this. I surfed the internet, finding information and learning all I could do to keep myself as well as possible.

Medication was prescribed very quickly, although I have a fear of this, with the support of a local group in St. Albans I found the courage and strength to commence this treatment.

As the years have passed I have learnt to live with HIV. My health is good, I have a positive attitude and I seldom give my status any thought. I have become actively involved with the support group and do all I can to help.

I chose this location as it means a lot me and was where I came for my support.

HIV is not to be feared.

Rachel appears courtesy of Stand Tall, Get Snapped.