Thanks to our partners at HIV i-Base and NAM, we are able to provide a number of leaflets and publications which are designed to inform you about HIV, its effects, and what being diagnosed might mean for you. Don’t forget to read these together with the inspiring stories of our positive advocates – HIV is a manageable condition, and with the proper care you can live a full life.

HIV i-Base Publications | Read More from i-Base here

Introduction to Combination Therapy

Introduction to Combination Therapy

HIV and your Quality of Life

HIV and your Quality of Life


HIV Testing and Risks of Transmission

HIV Testing and Risks of Transmission

HIV, Pregnancy and Women's Health

HIV, Pregnancy and Women’s Health

Treatment and Drug Resistance

Treatment and Drug Resistance

Hepatitis C and Living with HIV

Hepatitis C and Living with HIV


NAM Publications | Read More from NAM here

Very Recent Infection

Very Recent Infection

HIV: Myths and Facts

HIV: Myths and Facts

Look After Your Health

Look After Your Health

How Treatment Works

How Treatment Works

HIV Treatment Story

HIV Treatment Story

Transmission & Viral Load

Transmission & Viral Load