Music Saving Lives – Changing Attitudes with Chromosone Live Lab
The Live Lab Concept was created and founded by the production and songwriting duo Dean Nisbett & Andre Bassing (DNA-Savants) in an attempt to make live music accessible and “cool” to the young Grime/hip-hop generation aspiring to be recording artists. They also started the label the Chromosome in 2010 and signed their first artist (Sever) a young grime/hiphop artist set for big things.
Although with no official advertising or promotion, the live lab has quickly become a huge success within the urban music scene, generating 260,000 views on the Youtube channel within 10 months. To aid their promotion and also help raise HIV awareness, Music Saving Lives has joined forces with Chromosome!
“We are proud to have changed the attitudes towards live music within the young urban scene, artists previously thought grime could not be played live and that it was not “cool” to perform with a live band, that’s all changed thanks to the Live Lab concept.” – The Live Lab Team