Our International Saving Lives envoys are individuals with a keen awareness and strong experience of working in disparate international environments. They’re passionate about sharing HIV knowledge and expertise across national boundaries, about adapting and modifying successful efforts so that they suit the different needs and demands of diverse parts of the world. Their advocacy and advice are essential to the success of any attempt to bring together the international HIV community in ways which are both productive and respectful.



Gary Rubin

Assistant Professor University of Toronto and Co Chair Toronto HIV Primary Care Physicians Group


Dr Li McCrae

Senior Clinical Scientist, Health Protection Agency | Read More

Qingxia Zhao

Head of infectious diseases, Sixth Hospital, Zhengzhou City | Read More

Dr Wei Huang

Dr Huang is the Deputy Director of the Provincial Health Bureau of Henan, and supports Saving Lives China in a personal capacity.

Dr Zizhao Li

Dr Li is the Director of the AIDS Control Office within the Provincial Health Bureau of Henan. Dr Li joins Saving Lives China as an ambassador in a personal capacity.


Jürgen Rockstroh

Adjunct Professor of Medicine and Professor of Epidemiology, University of Bonn


Paddy Mallon

Associate Dean, University College Dublin School of Medicine


Jonathan M. Schapiro

Director, AIDS Service, National Hemophilia Center, Tel Hashomer


Giovanni Di Perri

Professor of Infectious Diseases at the University of Turin, Italy


Charles Boucher

Professor in the Department of Virology Erasmus Medical Center, Erasmus University Rotterdam


Cal Cohen

Director of Research, Community Research Initiative of New England

Ken Mayer

Adjunct Professor of Medicine and Professor of Epidemiology, Brown University


Professor Jane Anderson

Chair, British HIV Association | Read More

Professor Brian Gazzard

Clinical Research and Education Director, HIV unit, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital; Founding Chair, British HIV Association | Read More

Ed Wilkins

Consultant and Clinical Director of Infectious Diseases, North Manchester General Hospital | Read More

Dr Steve Taylor | Read Blog Posts

Medical Director of Saving Lives & Lead HIV Consultant, Heartlands Hospital | Read More