Saving Lives is proud to have the support of many key figures in the world of women’s football – and we’re excited to be a part of this expanding, high-profile sport. Our women’s football ambassadors and advocates really help us carry the messaging of HIV awareness deep into the communities and audiences that need to hear fresh new HIV messaging the most.

Toni Duggan | Saving Lives Ambassador

Manchester City and England | Read More …

Natasha Dowie | Saving Lives Ambassador

Liverpool and England. | Read More …

Karen Carney | Saving Lives Ambassador | View Video Interview

“Simply by promoting the charity and wearing the wrist band, people say to me, “What’s that about?” Hopefully they will become more aware about HIV.” | Read More …


Carly Telford | Saving Lives Ambassador

Notts County Ladies and England | Read More


Eniola Aluko | View Video Interview

Eniola plays in a forward position for Chelsea Ladies, England, and at London 2012 will be part of Team GB. | See More …

Claire Rafferty | Saving Lives Ambassador

Chelsea Ladies, England and Team GB international. | Read More …

Marieanne Spacey | Saving Lives Ambassador

Former England International | Read More …

Rachel Brown | View Video Interview | Saving Lives Ambassador

“Saving Lives is trying to encourage people to go and get tested for HIV, regardless of sexuality, because in the end that could save their life.” | See More …

Kerys Harrop | View Video Interview | Saving Lives Ambassador

Kerys plays for Birmingham City Ladies and England, and at London 2012 will be part of Team GB. | See More …

Rachel Williams | View Video Interview

Rachel plays as a striker for Chelsea Ladies and England, and at London 2012 will be part of Team GB. | See More …

Fara Williams | View Video Interview

Fara plays in central midfield for Liverpool Ladies and England. | See More …

Jill Scott | Saving Lives Supporter | View Video Interview

Jill plays in central midfield for Manchester City and England. | See More …

Stephanie Houghton | Saving Lives Supporter

Manchester City Ladies | Read More …